Projects: Schools, Storytelling, Downloads

Bebuddies Programs for Schools

The educational event will include a visit from “EnviroNate” (a healthy planet Earth), and a professional storyteller who will read either the b’watchful book which discusses all the right things we can do to make planet Earth a better place to live. OR the b’healthy book which discusses personal health issues.

CareyAngel programs will talk about Bullying and being kind to others and how to create community.

Each program will include an interaction and participation session with the children. These programs are available for school programs and Earth Day events.

Contact us if you are interested in booking programs at your school.

Creating a personal character that will change the world!

Storytelling with Bebuddies Books

Using the Bebuddies b’word books as a base. Our Storytellers impart and preform, encouraging the children to participate in each adventure, creating a relatedness within them to the meaning of the b’word.


Create a Bebuddies book of values for the Classroom

Create-A-Book Project
Remember when you were growing up and were told to “be” something… funny, kind, healthy, thin… or what not to be such as mean, rude, lazy… you get the idea… so by the time we’re grown… everyone has a little b’ in them… whether they want it or not! Eventually the b’s live in and control our feelings, thoughts, actions and have the potential to affect the way we react when something happens to us for the rest of our life!

Bebuddies Information Downloads

This is a list of the projects available through the Bebuddies site for your use in engaging children in the adventures of living healthy and developing a personal character that will change the world.

Bebuddies b’watchful 
Flyer handout from 2008 EarthDayLA Event 04/22/08

Three separate flyers with 5 things each we can do at Home and at School that will help keep our World Healthy.

Click on picture or here for downloadable .pdf page
(368 KB file size)

Bebuddies b’watchful 
Flyer handout
10 things you can do at Home and at School that will help keep our World Healthy.

Click on picture or here for printable page


Bebuddies b’watchful 
Posters for hanging 

These posters are created 
at 11 x 17 size. But can be printed at 8.5 x 11.
Click on picture or here for pdf file download. (400kb file)